The Importance of Controversial Opinions
So, if you look at my two past blogs you will see what is cancel culture, if we should practice it or not, and seen different cases on people getting cancelled for which whatever reason. If You want to review, you can check them out: https://theatreandvisualcult.wixsite.com/beyond-boundaries/post/canceling-yes-yes-yes-or-nonono ; https://theatreandvisualcult.wixsite.com/beyond-boundaries/post/cancelling-dave-chappelle-and-ricardo-rosell%C3%B3. It’s true that people don’t like to feel uncomfortable through their life. But there are sometimes that we will encounter either a situation or a person who will make us uncomfortable. However, I would like to talk about getting uncomfortable to get comfortable. Why? You may ask. Because that’s the moment we have for growth and success. And all of that can be possible and be achieved through dialogue. We must remember that we all think and do things differently the same way on how people will NEVER change their ways even when presented the facts, or anything that might put them on the spot. I truly believe in you can take the good and even the bad from a person because you can learn from it. It also makes a person to inform themselves if they really trying to understand.

Jordan Peterson addresses students at The Cambridge Union on November 02, 2018 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. (Photo by Chris Williamson/Getty Images)
Jordan Peterson addresses students at The Cambridge Union on November 02, 2018 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. (Photo by Chris Williamson/Getty Images)
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychology professor and one of the most controversial public intellectuals. This due to his views and comments on white privilege, identity politics and gender. How it is possible to engage and approach Jordan Peterson? First and foremost, you must have to know what it is being talked about. Once a person has studied and research about whatever is being debated or talked about a conversation can be held and not just one side talking. Be open to any discussion this goes back on getting uncomfortable to promote growth even if we disagree with anything it might be said. Of every video that I have seen on Jordan Peterson I’ve notice that he is an attentive listener so it’s okay to tell everything that comes into mind, but we must be attentive too to his responses and not bash out to him because then the conversation/dialogue/debate will turn into an emotional more than intellectual. That is why you as an individual can decide to listen or to ignore whatever a person says. The important thing is that a life is not at risk of violence in that.
Fear cannot be present at the moment to have a conversation but in the past years people and I included are scared on the way we are talking or just having a conversation because you might get cancelled. That takes us back on there’s this line where free speech and hate speech are. People backlash Peterson for his opinions and what he says but that’s not hate speech is free speech. Having different opinions, not agreeing, being offended or uncomfortable by an opinion is okay. Because it’s necessary to have different perspectives and ways of thinking. But for some that is not okay, and the immediate response is to cancel. To conclude, cancel culture is still a difficult thing to truly understand due to the fact that it really depends, and it doesn’t really matter on who? what? Or when? At any moment at any time anybody can get ‘cancelled’ but not really like we have seen it depends on your social economic status.
Respect disrespect give and earn respectful a different and other opinion or view

Respect disrespect give and earn respectful a different and other opinion or view.
1. “Cancel Culture in Theatre: What to be done?” Posted on YouTube on April 8, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZA2JX1qR7A
2. “Jordan Peterson: Why Cancel Culture is Feminine Bullying,” Posted on YouTube on June 5, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrXDzFlyzx0
You did a great job Sergio,
Sergio, you brought a very interesting point of view, that is "getting uncomfortable to get comfortable. I agree with you that growth and success can be possible and be achieved through dialogue, however, I am thinking what if the other side does not want to debate and dialogue?