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Writer's pictureSergio Alicea

Cancelling: Dave Chappelle and Ricardo Roselló

The Difference Between Cancelling And Calling out- Shraddha Gurung

Dave Chappelle

We have already talked about how Dave Chappelle has used his comedy to push boundaries and how he has brought a voice to black people on mainstream media. Has literally addressed the problems of racism and the systematic oppression on people of color. We talked also about how many people interpret what he is talking about because we know he is saying truths. The thing is what he does and how. Even though Dave is no scholar if we had the proper knowledge and understanding of what he talks about its understandable. I still consider that still people don’t understand his comedy and yeah, he is making fun of another minority group to prove his points and that’s when Chappelle really crosses the line but then again, I believe that his intentions incline for equality among all minority groups, not just some. With the goal being that everyone shows empathy for each other. I really don’t approve his cancellation. I consider that many other people who have really done horrible things like crimes those literally have to be removed from the public eye due to the danger to society that person is. Then again cancel culture isn’t a real thing and it’s a more opinion based. For me what Dave has done has been more good than bad, for others they want his career to get destroyed and removed from existence. Also, that doesn’t mean that I approve everything what Chappelle says and that’s okay we don’t have to agree with everyone or everything that’s the beauty of being human and being human its part of being imperfect we have the opportunity to make mistakes and try to make amends and apologize or just try and do the right things. Here is my blog where you can check Dave’s Milestones and controversies:

But there are cases where opportunities have been given and people still keep pushing and doing bad that harms the whole society. I will talk about a more internal case of cancelling where I was present and lived it when this was happening and was part of the movement of #RickyRenuncia. This is the case of the Cancelation and Resignation of the Governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Roselló Nevares. Puerto Rico, emerges from one crisis to enter another. In the past years the island had gone through a lot: A fiscal control board imposed by the president of the United States at that time Barack Obama, significant reduction of the budget for public university education, poor electric power infrastructure, hurricanes, earthquakes, and pandemics. Considering that these situations cause socio-economic problems in a country. What they have really done is to bring to public light the biggest problem of all and what does not allow a country to progress ... that is corruption. The hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. It left 100% without power and 60% of the population without water. It wiped out telecommunications, caused 2,975 deaths and $100 billion in damage. The island went back 40 years in time. You can see here a glimpse of what happened:; The Puerto Rican people were suffering and in need of resources food and water. People died because they depended on electricity for their life dependent machines and hospitals. Houses completely lost, food was limited, and water wasn’t accessible.

Left: Ricardo Roselló Nevares Right: Pedro Roselló González

The Government at the time received a lot of money for the island relief. So here is a quick story about Ricardo Rosellló Nevares. He is the son of also ex-governor of Puerto Rico (1993-2001) Pedro Rosello González his administration is considered one of the most corrupt of the history of the island having more than 40 officials and/or contractors accused, and many convicted of crimes related to acts of corruption in the federal jurisdiction and in Puerto Rico. In 2016 his son Ricardo Roselló won the election with 42% of the votes which he did not win in favor of most of the country. In 2019 a telegram chat involving Ricardo and close people of his cabinet got leaked to the public chat involving really profound language saying fatphobic things, talking about women in a very derogatory way, making fun of the people who had to put on the blue FEMA Canopy on their roofs, and the most disgusting about them all about the deaths of the people where he publicly gave to the president Donald Trump a very much lower number that it really was. ( It turns out that resources were also blocked and hidden to the locals ( which were in desperate need after the hurricane in 2017.


For this and many more caused outrages among Puerto Ricans. Even stuff that Ricardo did as a 15 year old teenager resurface such as the time, he killed a family apparently because he was driving drunk and without a license, but at that time (1994) his father was the governor and well by the power of power, he protected his son and justice to the victim’s family didn’t happen.

Image of the story from a newspaper 1994.

People went to the streets to protest and make the movement to make the governor resign. Even Famous people join the protest among those famous people was Ricky Martin and Bad Bunny

Ricky Martin, Residente, and Bad Bunny participated together in the protests in Puerto Rico for the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló Credit: Reuters

And You can try and find me somewhere in this next photo.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images An aerial view from a drone shows thousands of people as they fill the Expreso Las Américas highway in San Juan.

Carlos Giusti/AP Protesters filling the street in front of the governor's mansion in Old San Juan clashed with police.

After 12 days of protest Ricardo finally resign as governor and left Puerto Rico. People celebrated and rejoiced because of that giving that sense of doing something to combat corruption and that it’s still an ongoing thing. See video -

Now this case I really approved the cancellation because he was getting cancelled for right reasons. He literally being the governor of Puerto Rico he promoted hate speech and political actions that put-on danger the people of the island and getting killed of thirst and hunger. The people who voted for him trusted this person and again he returns with the bad intention of doing things in an unfair way. To want to divert things that are clear again. Yes, cancel culture isn’t real, is opinion based sometimes people like it and sometimes don’t. But for this case in particular Cancelling is necessary because when you are putting peoples lives at risk specifically a whole country!! That person needs to be stopped and avoid giving a platform. Thanks for reading and see ya’ll on the next one!

Oh, before you leave!...


Links used for visual explanation:

Island of Puerto Rico 'destroyed' by Hurricane Maria-

Hurricane Maria slams Puerto Rico-

#TelegramGate: Leaks From a Private Group Chat Leave Rosselló Administration Exposed-

The people triumphed! Sergios Instagram Post-

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Nov 06, 2022

Sergio, I remember watching the protests live when #RickyRenuncia began to gain traction. In the case of Puerto Rico, a country with so little control of it's own destiny (due to it's colonial status), it is extra incredible the way that citizens mobilized to get Rosselló fuera. I think in the case of politicians, cancellation can be entirely necessary. Elected officials are elected to represent the people, and when they forget/neglect to serve their constituents, people can and should use the power of protest to make their voices heard.


Nov 03, 2022

Sergio, I thought your analysis of cancel culture was really interesting. I agree that in the instance of Chapelle, cancel culture acted as a net negative. However, I really liked that you talked about Puerto Rico and their ability to overthrow a corrupt leader. That's an example of when putting power in the hands of the people allows for protection against corruption. These type of events are what build the argument in favor of cancel culture.

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