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My Take: Jordan Peterson/Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is not a gender or community specialized action. Although it may be like common practices to one gender, I do not think it should be directly connected to one gender as Peterson is trying to put it. Furthermore, Peterson said, “it’s the form of bullying that goes after reputations essentially, and that’s a feminine form of bullying” (Jordan Peterson, 2021). First, I would like to mention that I believe this comment it too broad and general for the overall feminine influence. I also believe that even though men do not typically at the mental aspects of another there is still the effort to make themselves seem better than the other that they disagree with, thus affecting the reputation. I also not agree with this because the LGBTQ+ community is one of the biggest if not largest groups/communities familiar with canceling and Cancel culture.

Which leads me into the relation of the other video research, Justine/ContraPoints video about Canceling. The entire video is about people like herself (a young trans woman) and James Charles (a young gay man) who have been “canceled” multiples times by their own community, which consists of both men, women and nonbinary. To me it just seems that Petersons content does not address the entire audience or cast of Cancel Culture. I think we should address his position as a personal explanation and that is how it should be introduced to. By just listening to his video is very opinion based.

Peterson uses “power” as the overall want through “canceling” and I completely agree with this comment. For example, ContraPoints mentions how Tati and James Charles had feud that ended negatively for James, due to the original accusation (from Tati) being manipulated into a completely different and detrimental statement that ruined James Charles reputation and reliability. Cancel culture is not about power in my opinion, because it is not just the work or gain of one person. In order for a person to be “canceled” it takes a large audience or at least multiple encounters with questionable action. Then the result and extent of the canceling depends on the spread and manipulation of the action, this is preformed through word of mouth or writing.

I think Jordan Peterson makes very professional and intelligent comments and notions about Cancel Culture, but I do not think these comments and notions are inclusive enough for today’s society and conditions. Instead of directly repeating what Peterson has put on the table, I think we should reevaluate them and speak with him about the different types of canceling and how it is not all about power. For example, the question of canceling Chappelle was not an effort to achieve power over Chappelle and Chappelle’s notions were not meant to have power over others, rather questionable comedy.

Overall, to make sense of Petersons positions, I think we should compare them to previous cancel cases and current ones, to help realize that canceling is not easily segregated into one desire or purpose. Although canceling is not new, is new in the sense of understanding and evaluating it. But I will say, Cancel Culture is inclusive and is not limited to one gender or intention.


  1. “Canceling” by Contrapoint, Posted on YouTube on January 2, 2020.

  2. “Jordan Peterson: Why Cancel Culture is Feminine Bullying,” Posted on YouTube on June 5, 2021.

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Sergio Alicea
Sergio Alicea
Nov 11, 2022

That comment from Peterson saying that Cancel culture is a form of feminine bullying it left me with my mouth open and think “Did he really said that?”. I really like how you bring the James Charles case that really got the internet and social media on a roll to compare the use of power through cancelling. Also bringing up that cancel culture is not a gender exclusive thing, it’s a all inclusive and anybody can be a victim of it as an executioner of it. Peterson truly is a controversial figure but compared to others who had really committed hate speech or harm to others there’s no reason for him to get cancelled, even though we don’t agree wit…

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