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How Far Do We Let This Go?

For some reason I was and am unable to get into the reading, so I just went ahead and did some research about the topic on my own. When looking into what Dave Chappelle has been up to and what the main controversy starters have been. The biggest issue I found and what is making people question canceling Chappelle, were his comments on the LGBTQ+ community. Chappelle was making joke that some thought of as insensitive, for example, “Chappelle’s special has been criticized for his use of ‘graphic transphobic and homophobic language.’” (This Nation, 2021) After actions like this and overall hating on the LGBTQ+ community while pretending to be an ally, the LGBTQ+ community rose and protested in front of Netflix headquarters. This controversy started because Chappelle has been seen in the past as someone who supports those who are oppressed, but it seems that Chappelle’s only care and focus is the black community.

As for canceling Chappelle, I personally do not agree with canceling anyone, as it permanently affects one for their rest of their life. I do believe Chappelle should have been more conscious of what he was saying and should not have taken the jokes so far. Although, I do not think he should be canceled because this type of antagonizing content is not new to Chappelle. Chappelle is known to speak upon topics that make people uncomfortable. I believe the best way to go about this is to take the episodes that were deeply offensive down and give him a slap on the hand. Or Netflix could go one step further and take Chappelle down from Netflix, but I do not think he should be completely “canceled.” The first step is definitely an apology from Chappelle and Netflix too, “The protesters are calling out for the company to repair its relationship with the LGBTQ+ community; they want the company to apologize for releasing this content and invest in queer artists.” (This Nation, 2021).

When I think about other people being canceled, we all probably think about the same person right now. That being Kanye West, who was very recently “canceled” in these past couple weeks, by pretty much everyone. Using Kanye as an example, this is one of the most severe forms of canceling, not only was he banned from Instagram and Twitter, but West was also dropped from all his current and future brand deals. I believe that West being “canceled” is completely valid. West recently has made antisemitism statements and actions. Such as, going against the black community making statements such as racism is real or timely anymore, and that slavery was a choice. West was seen wear shirts that said, “white lives matter.” Although West’s actions and statements have been confusing, they are still not OK. I completely agree with Instagram, Twitter, Adidas and all the other brands that have dropped or banned West. He must face some form of consequence for his recent actions. Although you are famous and have a large following, racism is not allowed or accepted for anyone to use against another being or group.


Dave Chappelle's Controversial Special Incites 100-Person Walkout at Netflix HQ, This Nation, This Nation Staff, October 21, 2021,,and%20I%E2%80%99m%20not%20looking%20to%20date%20a%20man.

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06 nov 2022

Mari had a really eloquent point on this in class on Monday. She talked about how Kanye's recent stunts are just some of many in his career...he has a long history of being anti-black, which I wasn't entirely aware of. His rhetoric and behavior is entirely unacceptable. And I am happy to see so many people have denounced his language. I have seen some of his supporters excusing his behavior due to his mental illness, but mental illness does not excuse racism or hate.

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Sergio Alicea
Sergio Alicea
05 nov 2022

It is true that when we talk about Dave and his content it is not for everyone. I still consider in a certain way he has truth in what he says but that he did have to been careful in a certain way in what he said yes but as I had mentioned it is rather the good of what he has done than what was bad and I am not justifying because I do not fully agree with everything he says either but I admire what he has done for his people. But when we talk about an example like Kanye West that I also mentioned from him, when his actions and words are a danger to society, actions…

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03 nov 2022

Regan, I agree with your opinion on the whole Chapelle situation. His statements were definitely offensive to some, however, he never said anything that was outright malicious towards them. I think that's what puts him and Kanye in different categories. Like you said, Kanye was dropped from brand deals because he was blatantly antiemetic and had different intentions than Chapelle.

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